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LUGNAQUILLA                           HIKE on Saturday the 9th of November 19.

The hike will start from Drumgoff .

ITINERARY = Drumgoff, Carrawaystick, Carrawaystick brook, Kelly’s Lough, Lough Gap, Lugnaquilla. Way back, Lough Mountain, Corrigasleggaun, Carrawaystick and back to car park.

For  Clothing , food, equipment for the day !  Please check the website page FAQ or the term and conditions page as well.

Duration = 6h30 including breaks.

Grade = moderate

Terrain = Forestry track, wooden boards, trails and off trails.

For further information, please, check our website  or contact us.

Group size = maximum 10 people.


As winter is coming fast  our night hikes  will be advertised  soon.

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