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Rec3 Emergency First Aid

Rec3 Emergency First Aid Level 3 course will teach skills which are not taught on basic first aid courses.

When an emergency occurs in the wilderness, help can be 4-6 hours away which can turn a minor medical or trauma into a life-threatening situation. We aim to equip you with skills and confidence to stabilize the situation until help arrives.

Rescue Emergency Care level 3 has an internationally recognized curriculum. The course fulfils the requirements of all major sporting governing bodies including Mountaineering Ireland and Canoe Ireland. It is run by outdoor medical experts with experience in both the medical field and in outdoor pursuits   


REC 3 or Rescue Emergency Care level 3 is ideal for people working or doing any leisure activities in the outdoors included sea activities or in the Irish mountains.

Part of the course is indoor which covers most of the theory and an outdoor session which uses a balance of learning and practical intermixed with scenarios of real situations.

Approved by Scouting Ireland and Mountaineering Ireland, it is ideally suited to outdoor activities which include: canoeing, hiking, climbing, kayaking, mountain guiding, Gaisce participants.

First aid training with the REC scheme is easy and fun. This 2 days course is progressive by building on each session, introducing new scenarios to test all techniques for:

Emergency: vital signs • emergency action • airway • unconscious • choking • bleeding • breathing and circulation • cpr

Environment: heat stress • cold stress • hot injuries • cold injuries

Health & Safety: recording accidents • • first aid kits

Illness: chest pain • stroke • asthma • epilepsy • diabetes • minor ailments

Injury: head • spine • chest • abdomen • pelvis • bones • soft tissue • eye

Rescue: transportation • communication

Assessment: reviews learning during course • practical assessment.

The Candidates

Will be able to take control of an incident until a nurse, doctor or ambulance arrives

Is able to cope with common occurrences – illness; injury; collapse; rescue

All candidates must feel confident and have the competence to deliver First Aid assistance in an Emergency.


Photograph of the Wicklow Mountains on a sunny day. Location of the Rec3 Emergency First Aid taking place in November.

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